3054 , Electromagnetic Longitudinal Pole Chuck

Pole Type Longitudinal
Pole Spacing (Small Chucks Upto 24") 1/4in (Magnetic Steel)|1/16in (Non-Magnetic Stainless Steel)
Pole Spacing (Larger Chucks) 1/4in (Magnetic Steel)|1/8in (Non-Magnetic Stainless Steel)
Features Top Plates are Furnace Brazed making the Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Steel into one Solid, Water tight Unit.

The poles of this chuck run the length of the chuck from end to end. Pole spacing up to 24" long is generally 1/4" magnetic steel and 1/16" nonmagnetic stainless steel. Pole spacing of 1/4" magnetic steel and 1/8" nonmagnetic stainless steel is used for larger chucks.Top plates are furnace brazed, making the magnetic and nonmagnetic steel into one solid, water-tight unit.